MetroABQ Parks & Greenspaces Part IV
More: MetroABQ Parks & Greenspaces
From healthy greenspace article: Researchers tracked the millions of people across seven countries, including the US, throughout their lives, and found that no matter the location on Earth or type of "green," living near nature yielded similar health benefits globally.
Vegetation can act as a buffer between residents & blaring city racket, even if it's as simple as a tree-lined street. Plants also help regulate temperature & extremity of environments, tempering the effects of climate change, the authors discussed.
The analysis doesnt answer the question of why proximity to plants is a boon to human health. But this confirms the assumption with big data — being near greenspaces really is good for you--the more, the better--& the effect likely applies no matter where you are in the world.
How does Albuquerque fare, compared to other metropolitan areas? Pretty well, apparently. According to The Trust for Public Land, Metro Albuquerque has recently moved up six notches, to #34 in the nation, for the amount of parks & greenspace acres per person. Other good news: 87% of our residents live within a 10-minute walk to a public park or greenspace; the national average is 54%. The MetroABQ has also devoted 23% of public lands for parks & recreation; the national average is 15%.